Friday, May 16, 2008

Kids and their Wishes

I didn't experience this story first hand, but it was really cute and I have permission to blog it. My friend Amy took her son to Disney World last week. They had a great time and Spencer a.k.a. Spider Man was a trooper. He was not one of the screaming/crying kids. He wasn't too tired or too hot. He was not demanding or irritating, but truly a superhero.

So, the cute part. They went on the "It's a Small World" ride. Toward the end there is a place to throw a penny and make a wish. First cute thing, he had to think and then ask about this whole wishing thing. Amy explained to him that a wish is something that a person really, really wants to have happen and the penny sometimes helps that come true. So Spencer closed his eyes up tight and thought really hard and then threw in his penny. Amy didn't ask and Spencer didn't tell. Well, that is where the second cute thing happens... As I understand it, a couple of hours later, Spencer looks up at Amy with a serious expression on his face and asks, "When am I going to turn into Spider Man?"

So make a wish, you just might get to be a superhero.

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