Friday, June 23, 2006

Well, I've been inspired. My husband starting blogging and I thought I would give it a whirl. As you see, I'm still stuck in school--elementary and middle school that is. I work as a mental health therapist. And what a time to be working with kids. I apologize in advance for those who stumble onto my blog--I'm not exactly fluent with my words unless in a therapy session, even then I can end up stuttering. My thought processes are hardly linear. I would like to convince you that this is because I am so complicated and see things from a different perspective--that's not true. So let me tell you about what things actually do get me going (in a good way). I love God, my husband, nature (when it's not too hot). I love hanging out with friends and I love kids. What a pitiful start, but there you go.

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