Friday, April 09, 2010

Finished Ignoring

Maybe... it is has been quite some time since I posted. There are several reasons behind this... none of which seem to matter today, because I want to complain a bit.

Will the person (or dog) that put sand in my eyes last night please step forward? Okay... maybe not. Is it just me or are allergins so completely out of control? Really, Seriously, Truly out of control. I feel like I have golf balls stuffed up my nose. And someone set my eyes on fire.

What is odd... I expected this two days ago. I know that when it comes to allergies I am what they call a "slow reactor", but really... after a good rain I expect relief... but NOOOO...

Thanks for listening. I plan on posting with a little more regularity. Let's see if that works for me.

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