So this is not the best picture, but it is the only one I have. Let me introduce you to Bob. Bob is a Betta fish. I call him Bob the Betta--kind of after Bob the Builder.
Last week, Bob died. This is not a sad time though, Bob lasted over two years. The funny part of the story is that this is actually Bob 2. Bob 1 also lasted about 2 years or a little more.
Earlier this week I took Dodger (my little dog) in to get his nails trimmed. Sometimes it is just easier to pay the 10 bucks. While at the pet store, I spotted the Betta display. After much deliberation, and tugging on Dodger's lease so he didn't bug the other customers in the store, I found him--Bob 3. So I take my dog, my nail clipping receit and Bob 3 to the cash register. Dodger, of course, being as cute as he is attracks the attention of all store the employees and gets so excited on seeing the male cashier that he pees on the floor. I get that cleaned up, start to check out. Well, Do I have a Petco card? Yes, I think so, just not with me. That's okay, we can look it up by your phone number--well it turns out that that is in my ex's name. Do I want to get my own? Sure, I guess so. Then as I am filling out the information card, Dodger takes it upon himself to walk into the cashiers station and become tangled around his legs. I finish the transaction and finally I am ready to leave--Dodger is not. I get him disentangled from the cashier and we go out the door.
It is only after I get home (oh about 20 minutes away) do I realize that although I paid for Bob 3, I did not make it home, or even out of the store with Bob 3. So, I call Petco, trying to think of the best way to reassure them that I do not normally neglect my pets or leave them places. A friend picked up Bob for me and he is now safely installed in the bowl on the mantel.
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