Sunday, November 19, 2006

Well I would like to introduce the newest member of our family. Before any of you get to excited, it's our new dog. After much discussion, we have decided to name him Dodger. As in the Artful Dodger from Dickens Oliver Twist. The name fits this little dog. We were playing fetch and Miriam being the faster runner would get to the ball first. Dodger aka Rocky (the name he had in the pound), would wait until Miriam brought the ball back, dropped it and then would pick it up and run in a circle, acting like he was the one that brought it too me in the first place. We tried Rusty for a while, but it was too close to Rocky, we wanted a clean break.

We were concerned how he and Miriam would get along. Miriam took a long time to adjust to Delmar when he moved in. No problems. It was as if Miriam looked at Dodger and said, "Finally someone to play with--these humans are so slow and that cat is so mean." They have been getting along great.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day

Today, I am loving my job. As you maybe aware, today is election day and the schools in my county are out. So, without any kids to see, I don't have too much to do. It is still a work day--technically, it is just a lazy work day. And with the rain outside, it is a great day to have a lazy work day.

Oh yeah, and it gives me an opportunity to go vote.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Last night our neighborhood--again, was slammed. From all over the town, people were bused, hayrided, carpooled or otherwise dropped off into our neighborhood. It was a mad house. Cars and kids were everywhere. But otherwise it was not a bad night.

I do have to make an observation though. The later in the night it got, the older and less dressed up the kids got. Right down to an adult, yes, an adult, a grown up with no costume handing out his bag saying trick or treat. I am offically turning into an old fart, as I wanted to tell the guy "grow up, Halloween is for Kids." Of course, I also want to tell this to the high schoolers that turn up with one streak of red face paint on each cheek, but otherwise no costume to speak of.

Now the little kids, they were cute. I saw fairies and SpongeBob, I saw ghosts and goblins. All the kids were so cute dressed up, and I am a sucker for the kids that say "thank you."

The only problem. Well their were two. One, I now have a couple of clients (and their parents) that know where I live. That's a little too close for me. Two, I have two bags of candy left over and I am on a diet--is there any charities that have a candy drop off?